Print Information

Canvas Prints

Our images are printed on quality fine art canvas using Epson Ultracrome inks, the canvas is the coated with laminate to protect from UV fading & dust build up.
They are then expertly stretched on custom cut Australian pine stretcher bar.

All canvas’s come gallery wrapped & ready to hang unless you have purchased a rolled canvas print.

The Canvas Used is Hahnemuhle Daguerre Canvas, it is matt poly-cotton artists canvas featuring a fine surface texture coated for premium inject printing. This bright white canvas offered maximum ageing resistance and guarantees an extremely large colour gamut and high colour density.
Daguerre Canvas offers a fine structure which is perfect for my fine are images. It’s bright white point provides clear fresh colour and contrast for my Black and white images also.

With its premium matt inkjet coating Daguerre Canvas meets the highest industry standards regarding density, colour gamut, colour graduation and image sharpness.

•65% polyester 35% cotton
•Matt coated
•Bright white
•Acid free
•Very high water resistance.

Fine Art Paper

I want my images to look their best thats why I choose to get them printed on Hahnenmuhle Photo Rag Bright White Fine Art Paper. it is smooth 100% rag based paper specifically designed to meet the needs of photographers using a digital photographic output.

This 310gsm paper provides the weight of a art paper with a smooth calandered surface, which picks up every detail captured in my images. This paper is predestinated for high contrast prints with great colour brilliance.

Premium Acrylic Face Mount

I love the look of my images on the acrylic mounts, they really stand out and look amazing.

Every acrylic print starts with a fine art metallic paper print, its expertly face mounted on a high grade polished sheet of 4.5mm thick acrylic and finished off with a Dibond aluminum composite panel on the backs so the print is safely secured in-between. The Acrylic print will come with a wooden frame on the back and you have the choice of hanging wire or picture strips to mount to your wall.

Image Sizes
